Labor legislation and brand perspective are two sides of the same coin when it comes to employer branding. Analysis, strategy, implementation: in three stages, companies get
Our development and project partner is the renowned international law firm Bird&Bird.
An employer brand has many communicative and legal facets. With a comprehensive view on the brand with its challenges, many synergies for your business can be found to create value - and thus for achieving the best possible result.
Standards protecting employees and labor court jurisdiction influence the legal relationship between employer and employee or trade unions. Employers often feel constrained by regulations they feel are threatening their positions without being aware of the numerous options of shaping employment.
We help to recognize and apply these - leading to agreements motivating both sides and increasing legal certainty in finding talent and retaining employees.
With our comprehensive brand expertise and a proven method, we check your means of communication and help you communicate the specific core messages. The definitions of the employer brand’s contents are specified in brand-shaping magnetic fields.
This method also optionally allows the exact definition of the unique selling and the core value propositions of the corporate brand, which are specific in a brand proposition pyramid.